I’m Neurodiverse

I am neurodiverse, not neurodivergent.

‘Normal’ was created for profit. It isn’t real, so I can’t ‘diverge’ from it. (Even though it feels very real, we’ve built all our systems around it, and the fallout is awful)

I have ADHD and C-PTSD and I’m so glad I do!

I was diagnosed with ADHD long before it was cool, and experienced Complex Trauma from when I was born.

I make my own schedule, take vitamin supplements, have a daily practice with 20ish habits, don’t drink alcohol a few months each year, and move my body a lot. I tried meds for a bit, but the side effects were not worth the calmness. No shame in any of it. Life gets messy, and everyone has different needs.

For me, using what I have at my disposal works ...with a bit of Omega-3 and dark chocolate ;)

Because I’m a damn unicorn!

I can do art and vector geometry with equal abandon, my justice barometer is through the roof, and I can smell manipulation a mile away. I thrive in a crisis, never run out of ideas, and I’m phenomenal at quitting. I am hyper-sensitive and extremely empathetic. I can hold exquisite space for my clients because I know the fear of using my voice so well. I can sometimes work 20 hours straight, never losing steam. Though I try not to do that too often ;)

Being neurodiverse has made me infinitely strong and highly emotionally intelligent. I’ve coped with so many big emotions, I can deal with anything now. Most of all, I crafted my identity from scratch and built my own mental tool kit – and I’m so proud of it!

There is still a road to travel until I fully trust myself and those around me, but my neurodiversity gives me so much I would never want to live without.

The secret is, we’re all on this spectrum together. Pretending we’re not just makes it harder for everyone.

Feel free to reach out if you struggle with any of this.

**Neurodiverse is a term I learned from Maria Arango Kure who works with me at The Ethical Move and it changed my perspective completely.


Framework Series: Identity


Claiming My Identity