Sarah Kalil
“Alice sees what other people don’t see”
“I call Alice the architect of my imagination. I worked with her for almost 3 years! Most of all, I am proud of my business.
My brand, my programs, my products... They are what I always imagined they could be – and to me, that is priceless.
I wholeheartedly recommend Alice to anyone looking to bring their imagination to life. She sees what other people don’t see. She is brilliant.”
And in less profesh terms
“You’re are a badass who is up to something. You’ve got a mission and purpose and the brilliance to go with it. You create WORLDS of beautiful heart felt offerings in a way that makes EVERYONE involved feel GOOD. That’s so important. People feel GOOD when they work with you, when they create with you, when they buy from you. You create commerce for GOOD. Are you kidding?? In the world of shit capitalism, you create commerce with love. It’s radical. YOU are radical. That’s not an easy feat. It’s courageous and bold and out of this world and straight into a new one. You are wild and free and visionary and important. You fucking rock.”
Behind the scenes
Sarah was my ‘client zero’. I quite literally build my business around her brand.
Together, we built an incredible world based on a 10-minute conversation where we identified her audience that had been eluding her for years.
‘Trailblazers Guide to the Stars’ was a brand that helped trailblazers in their journey through the unknown. We went beyond visual identity and copy to create her brand and messaging architecture: a system based on 10 phases of the journey including and a set of illustrations. From there we built the TGS online course complete with guided meditations and worksheets, and a beautiful deck of cards… and so much more.
Sarah has since moved on, but creating this was the catalyst of my entrepreneurship.