Jackie Dumaine
“Feeling seen and understood in an unfamiliar way”
“You encourage and lovingly demand (strong word but it's all I could think of) that clients be HONEST about who they are and how they want to show up.
You helped me feel seen and understood in a way that was unfamiliar to me and I really appreciated that. You're able to assist others in uncovering their essence via TRUTH.
My favourite part about working with you was the ability to show up as my slightly neurovdivergent self and fully express without any masks on was incredibly refreshing. Your questions were mindful and required me to dig deep for the REAL answer, not just the surface BS. Your energy is non-intimidating and wholly accepting.
Our work has affected me in a subtle but profound way because it's prompting me to get more real, brave and honest with myself and others.
What I know to be true is that I am not holding back anymore.”
Behind the scenes
Jackie was looking to recenter herself in the process of transitioning into a new and exciting program, based on her years of entrepreneurship.
We deeply rooted her in her essence and she’s now bringing to life the culmination of her work in a deeply aligned way.
Can’t wait to see what’s next!